Project Tenji

Physics and programming notes written in English & French using Latex.

French contents that we are working on:
  • Physique Mecanique
  • Physique Atomique
  • Electromagnetism
  • Electronique
  • Physique des solides
  • Physique Statistique
  • Thermodynamique
English contents that we are working on:
  • C++ programming language
  • Python programming language
  • Django framework
  • Quantum Physics Basics
  • Quantum Information theory

Check it out on Github

List of the available content:

Physique Mecanique - FR

Physique newtonienne, lagrangien, ondes et acoustique.

Cpp - EN

Basics of C++, Program structure,Compound data types,Classes and Input/Output with files

Physique Statistique - FR

Rappels de thermodynamique, Le monde microscopique, Postulats de la physique statistique

Thermodynamique - FR

Les principe de la thermodynamique, Gaz parfait, Fonction thermodynamique, Gaz reels, Equilibre et stabilite des systeme thermodynamiques

Basics Quantum Physics - EN

Quantum Mechanics Postulates, Solving the Schrodinger equation

Quantum Information Theory - EN

Qubits, quantum states, Matrices and operators, Tensor Products, The density Operator, Quantum Measurement Theory, Entanglement, noise and error correction, Tools of QIT, Gates, Algorithms

Python - EN

From fundamental concepts like data types, operators, and variables to advanced topics such as recursion and object-oriented programming

Physique des solides - FR

Généralités Cristallographie, Diffraction des Rayons X, Les Différents types de cristaux