Physics and programming notes written in English & French using Latex.
Physique newtonienne, lagrangien, ondes et acoustique.
Basics of C++, Program structure,Compound data types,Classes and Input/Output with files
Rappels de thermodynamique, Le monde microscopique, Postulats de la physique statistique
Les principe de la thermodynamique, Gaz parfait, Fonction thermodynamique, Gaz reels, Equilibre et stabilite des systeme thermodynamiques
Quantum Mechanics Postulates, Solving the Schrodinger equation
Qubits, quantum states, Matrices and operators, Tensor Products, The density Operator, Quantum Measurement Theory, Entanglement, noise and error correction, Tools of QIT, Gates, Algorithms
From fundamental concepts like data types, operators, and variables to advanced topics such as recursion and object-oriented programming
Généralités Cristallographie, Diffraction des Rayons X, Les Différents types de cristaux